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Legal Right To Have a Roommate

Generally, subject to certain exceptions (or to ensure compliance with other laws, rules, regulations and codes) under New York State's 'Roommate Law' (Real Property Law 235-f), any person occupying or entitled to occupy a residential rental premises (or a 'statutory' tenant) may have a roommate.

The details of this are as follows:

The simple version

Any tenant in New York who rents an apartment and has only their name on the lease has the legal right to take in a roommate. The tenant just needs to let the landlord know the roommate's name within 30 days of the roommate moving in.

Disclaimer - This is for general informational purposes only and should not be treated as legal advice. The provisions of RPL 235-f cited above are abbreviated. We recommend you consult an experienced New York Landlord Tenant attorney if you require legal advice.

Further info:

Fair Housing Act