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  • Stefan
  • 32, professional male
  • Small or large wanted

Total budget: $1,000 /month


I am Stefan, 32 years old, male, originally from Berlin (Germany) and moved here to Vegas about 3 years ago.
Ever since I moved to the States I have been living in the same house, that is shared with one more housemate (the owner). I am a generally very quiet person when at home, because I need that space to "recharge my batteries" and have some time for myself. I work in a management position for a major company in the conventions- and events industry. Additionally when I have some more time available I work part-time for an exclusive member-nightclub here in Vegas as a Security Host.
As much as I love being busy with my work that I like, I enjoy using my free time for my hobbies. I am a big outdoors fan, doing hikes and roadtrips. But most of all I am a big Wintersports enthusiast, always trying to find the best new Ski gems. Besides that I am a generally sportive person, going to the gym at least 4 times a week (depending on how busy I am with work) and join whatever sport I get invited to out there.

Like I already wrote, at home I am a very quiet and clean(!) person and searching for a calm and cozy environment to free my head and mind inbetween my busy life. So I usually don't bring home other people and always respect each others/your need for privacy (What I also demand for myself). Also I am a pretty light sleeper, so I highly value having respect for each others sleeping times.

When you think we could be a good fit, then I would be happy if I hear back from you and we could meet for a better talk directly in person!
Have a good day and Best Regards, Stefan
01 Jul 2024
Minimum term
Maximum term
Looking in
  • Las Vegas
Amenities required
  • Private bathroom
  • internet
  • washing machine
About me
Any pets?
New household preferences
Smokers OK?
Pets OK?
Don't mind
No preference specified

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* A user's profile name may differ from their legal name which has been verified.

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