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  • Apartment share $1,276 monthly
  • Harlem View on map
  • 10039
  • Harlem - 148 St Station
    0-5 minutes walk away


Please note: photos are from 2020 so the room furnishings are different. Gives a sense of space until I can upload new photos! Thanks

Hey all!!

I have a room available in my two bedroom I need to sublet to. My last roommate moved to Boston for a nursing program and I have a short term rental in here now, but looking for someone hopefully long term to sign a December lease if it’s a good fit. Rent is $1,276 plus around $150/month for electric and cable/internet - give or take depending on the time of year.

The apartment is located on W 149th St and Fredrick Douglas Blvd. We're right down the block from the 3 express train (25 min to Times Sq) and a 8 minute walk to the A/C/B/D trains at 145th, as well as multiple bus lines. Our neighbors are all awesome and play dominoes outside most nights and will always invite us to come join! We are on the second floor so only about 20 stairs up. Really convenient!

I have two super sweet cats who are the best! They love people and will lay in the living room or your room if you let them. They love getting attention so looking for someone who likes cats and is wiling to hang out with them if I'm not home. This is big for me, as my past roommates have adored them and they love spending time with them! They have an automatic cleaning litter box which is great. I also on occasion dog sit in the apartment although this has not been as frequent since covid. Dogs are welcome, the cats lived with a dog recently and loved him. Open to other cats but mine haven’t been around any but each other. So it would just be harder to determine how they’d be.

The apartment is a great space! We have a large living room with an open kitchen. Both are fully furnished and stocked with not too much cabinet space left. Great for a student or professional new to the city who is here without a lot of extras for the common areas, or just a minimalist in general. We have a washer/dryer combo in the apartment along with a steamer for use! The closet space is amazing and we turned one of the hall closets into a pantry, which is extra handy! The room will be furnished upon arrival. It currently has a full bed, night stand, desk, and a really nice closet space.

I'm pretty social outside of the apartment, but don't have too many people over. My apartment is my quiet space to come home and relax after a long day at work. Hoping my future roommate will feel the same and take any parties elsewhere. I love to cook and used to cook a lot with my last roommate. We even shared some groceries which helped cut down on costs. Hoping my new roomie is interested in doing the same, since cooking for one is pretty difficult! Overnight guests are fine every once in a while, especially friends and family from out of state, but not every weekend, or on a consistent basis. I like having the ability to walk around the apartment in a towel without worrying about who might be there, if that makes sense. I also don't bring hookups back to the apt and would like the same from my new roommate. A steady bf can spend the night on occasion, but not on the regular. No smokers of any kind because of my asthma and no couples for the room.

I'm 33 and have been in NYC for 7 years. I'm from IL and have family there, in FL and TN, that I will go visit on occasion. Ability to help with my kitties when I'm gone would be a huge help. I currently have a trip planned to FL in June and that’s why the room is available for once I’m back. I love to read, see Broadway shows, watch movies, and go out with friends. Love to try new restaurants and always up for trying new foods. I love to travel and hoping to plan more friend trips in the next few years. Anyone looking to take weekend trips outside the city with me would be great! Would love to have a roommate to go do things with or have movie nights in with some wine! My previous roommates have all become close friends!!

I keep things tidy in the common areas, but my room is usually a controlled mess! Hoping for the same from you. I hate cleaning, but do a good clean once or twice a week. My roommates and I have always split the costs of cleaning supplies and communal things. I usually am the one to buy toilet paper, and she would get paper towels, then anything else we’d get as we needed it. Someone clean is extremely important. I’ve had to be the “mom” in a lot of my sublet situations, needing to ask them to take the trash out or clean up the kitchen after themselves. I really need someone mature who doesn’t need to be asked simple things like that. A lot of times this has been from my sublets being in their early 20s and just don’t have roommate experience. I’m open to younger women but please note that that’s a major issue for me, so if you aren’t clean it won’t work out long term.

Would love to hear from some students or professionals who are looking for a new space! Since it is mostly furnished, someone without a lot of communal things would work out best! Hopefully my start date will work for you, as we have some flexibility.

If interested in the apartment please let me know! Would love to chat more and see if we'd be a great match. Thank you!
  • $1,276 monthly (large)
Minimum term
Maximum term
  • Short rentals considered
Extra cost
Utilities included?
Fees apply?
Disabled access
Living room
Broadband included
Current household
# roommates
Total # rooms
Any pets?
reading, films, travelling, netflix, animals, swimming, wine, shopping, family, restaurants, meeting new people, culture, architecture, baseball, harry potter
New roommate preferences
Couples OK?
Smoking OK?
Pets OK?
Don't mind
Min age
Max age
Female preferred

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